Last friday another new extreme heavy duty miningbucket for a Liebherr 9150 left the workshop for South America!
Last friday another new extreme heavy duty miningbucket for a Liebherr 9150 left the workshop for South America!
Like new again… After our customer has worked with the Verachtert rigid pulverizer for years, it was due for a complete rebuild. For this purpose, the cylinder rod has been completely re-chromed, fitted with new seals and a new protective cover…
We recently delivered the first of two bonus boxes for a Komatsu WA900. The bucket has a capacity of approximately 25,000 litres, is 6 meters wide and constructed with a fixed suspension. Of course the bucket is completely made of wear-resistant mate…
Refurbished shears last week. Nicely clad by one of our professionals. Do you have shears that need attention? Feel free to bring them by, and we will make them new again.
Last week we delivered our biggest Heavy Duty riddle bucket to #Heezen BV for the new Cat 374 UHD. Thank you for this great assignment. #cat #MTG
Last week we delivered a great chain bucket to Jac Rijk for their new CAT 374, which is working on the Grensmaas project. Capacity 5800 litres, 2700 mm wide.